MY HEART goes out to victims and families of 16 Malaysians who had died so far from Covid-19. My hat off also to health workers, the policemen and army personnel, the media, volunteers and those who are working endlessly to help contain and put the deadly pandemic under control.
Malaysians really need to heed the government's call for 'Stay at Home' in order to halt the chain of virus. Socially, it's affecting each and every one of us; and economically there is a need for the government to chart a crisis management plan to help resolve the adverse impact of the 'lockdown'.
Many decisions were made thus far to ease the rakyat burden, notably deeply impacted by the lull in business, whether they are factory owners of petty traders, farmers or fishermen.
Perhaps the government can start drawing an emergency plan that could trigger an alternative earnings for the middle and lower income bracket. Having about RM400 billion in reserve is not the only avenue to help out the rakyat.
As we are bracing for the possibility of Movement Control Order (MCO) beyond March 31, the economists have to think fast. Perhaps a small portion of the reserve can be used for emergency measures but it will be totally whipped out in a matter of short time if the crisis goes on longer.
I am even more perturbed with the fact that only 92 per cent Malaysians are observing the MCO. Although 8 per cent are flouting the rules, the Malay saying goes, "Sebab nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga" (A drop of ink may spoil the pot of milk).
Plus, the news that China who had claimed success in putting off the pandemic last week has reported 78 new cases on Tuesday, with the vast majority brought in from overseas as fears rise of a second wave of infections.
The first new case in nearly a week was also reported in Wuhan – the epicentre where the virus emerged last year – along with three other local infections elsewhere in the country. Seven more people died, the National Health Commission said, all in Wuhan.
But at 74, the imported cases confirmed Tuesday were the highest since officials started reporting the data at the beginning of March, and nearly double those reported Monday. In recent days almost all the new infections in China have been brought in from overseas, and Beijing is growing increasingly anxious about an influx just as it appeared to be bringing the country’s outbreak under control.
As nations across the globe battle to contain the pandemic, which has now killed more than 16,000 people worldwide, the tally of imported cases in China has soared to 427. Many cities have brought in tough rules to quarantine new arrivals, including Malaysia.
Are we in second wave or third? I think for the government to contain the spread of virus in a short span, the state of emergency or curfew needs to be imposed. Many are still defying it with little knowledge of the calamity it could cause the nation.
Anyway, trust the government.
To me, this is World War III. Just look at Italy. Although Covid-19 started in China after the Lunar Year festival, the European nation looks like suffering from it most. With the government almost in 'giving up' position, the world is trying hard to assist them. With more than 6,000 deaths yesterday, I hope Malaysians will do their best NOT to turn the country into another Italy.
Let's help each other, and no politics please. In his message today, UMNO president Zahid Hamidi said its time for the public and private sectors to work closely and coordinate a more efficient methods in fighting the spread of the pandemic.
Make it as our biggest test and work hard to come out of it with flying colors. The outcome lies within our hands.
In God we trust!