SELANGOR exco Ganabatirau has apologised for accusing the Muslims as the party to be blamed for riots at Seafield Sri Mariamman temple, USJ Subang.
Fine! I think we should accept the apology. He is human, and to err is human. We forgive him for the askance towards Muslims, for the 'ICU injury' of a fireman, for injury sustained by our fellow Malaysian Indians and for the burned public properties, including vehicles in the incident.
We accept the apology because as a state exco, he is naive enough not to use his high position to douse off the fury among the Indians.
Forgive and forget.
Had the posting was done by any layman, the police could have lock him up. But its a job of a politician. Who is being racist now?
I hope it stops here. Let's be true Malaysians...