Patrick Teoh can no longer be contacted on his mobile. It seems that his number has been terminated and a new unknown one is already in use.
But where is Patrick now?
The actor and presenter seems to harbor reservation on some government leaders and policies. Although that does not make him an opposition stooge, his blog clearly underscore his dissatisfaction over many issues.
However, that's his rights. As long as he does not go against the law and 'opposing the one way street', he is free to pen his thought, just like any other blogger or journalist.
But his 'insult on Islam' when he wrote this on his Facebook made him a 'pure racist and anti-Islam' to many, especially the Muslims. Whether they (the Muslims) are forgiving him or not, is not important but in a multi-religious country like Malaysia, we must be careful with what we say and write.
At least two police reports were lodged against him and the police needs him for some statements.
He did apologise a day later but may said the manner in which he said it was not sincere. Well, I reserve my comment but an apology is still an apology.
TV3 personallity Mazidul Sidik who has been closely monitoring Patrick's FB 'bomb' from day 1 wrotes:
But where is Patrick now?
The actor and presenter seems to harbor reservation on some government leaders and policies. Although that does not make him an opposition stooge, his blog clearly underscore his dissatisfaction over many issues.
However, that's his rights. As long as he does not go against the law and 'opposing the one way street', he is free to pen his thought, just like any other blogger or journalist.
But his 'insult on Islam' when he wrote this on his Facebook made him a 'pure racist and anti-Islam' to many, especially the Muslims. Whether they (the Muslims) are forgiving him or not, is not important but in a multi-religious country like Malaysia, we must be careful with what we say and write.
At least two police reports were lodged against him and the police needs him for some statements.
He did apologise a day later but may said the manner in which he said it was not sincere. Well, I reserve my comment but an apology is still an apology.
TV3 personallity Mazidul Sidik who has been closely monitoring Patrick's FB 'bomb' from day 1 wrotes:
"Saya dimaklumkan, sekurang-kurangnya dua laporan polis telah dibuat terhadapnya. Terkini, nombor telefon bimbit Patrick tidak lagi boleh dihubungi. "Panggilan terus disambut dek voice mail," kata sumber.So, where are you now, Patrick? Better get out of hiding... and be a man!
Pada 22 Januari lalu, dia menulis entri berhubung kanak-kanak hilang...... sedangkan pada masa sama, Patrick juga 'hilang'.Barangkali dia gentar ditahan dan didakwa mengikut Seksyen 298A Kanun Keseksaan...Saya mendengar ura-ura, polis sedang cuba mengesan Patrick untuk diambil keterangan. Bersama kita menunggu dan melihat samada ura-ura itu sekadar khabar angin atau kenyataan..."